London Penthouse

The Benefits of Airspace Development

Add space. Add value.

The benefits of rooftop development in London | London Penthouse

Airspace Development Benefits

Our rooftop properties are designed to bring an array of benefits for freeholders and leaseholders, as well as for buyers and the wider community.

At London Penthouse, we go beyond your expectations as part of our commitment to you and your building. Take a look at how our airspace development benefits not only you, but all parties involved.

Benefits to Existing Owners

  • Capitalise on your unused roof space with luxurious results for little-to-no effort on your part.
  • We only work with a trusted team of architects, engineers, and acoustic and fire consultants in order to deliver the highest standards in design and construction.
  • Our compliance with planning permission and building regulations puts your mind at ease.
  • Leasehold values can increase thanks to the improved quality of your building.
  • We don’t use flammable cladding on any of our schemes, only tested materials such as zinc and copper, removing concerns about safety.
Rooftop development benefits | London Penthouse

Benefits to the Community

  • It helps to alleviate the wider housing issues in London.
  • We go beyond simply developing your airspace by carrying out upgrades and remedial work to the building in general, including hardscaping and softscaping, benefiting all those living in the building, not just on the top floor.
  • Airspace development can be far more environmentally friendly, as you’re upgrading existing buildings instead of a lengthy demolition and rebuilding process.
  • We source from certified, sustainable forests for a greener approach.
  • Construction off site means less disruption, dust and dirt for the local community.

Want to find out more about how you and your neighbours will benefit from creating rooftop properties with your airspace? Contact us today.

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Coronation Court

Coronation Court

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